Add backuppcQueueDeleteBackup script

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Benjamin Renard 2018-08-13 16:14:08 +02:00 committed by root
parent a36b30880c
commit e158ed8f0a
2 changed files with 189 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
Script to queue backup in BackupPC from command line
Script to queue backup (or backup removal) in BackupPC from command line
This script permit to queue backup (for all or specified host(s)) in BackupPC from
command line. It's provide parameters permiting :
This scripts permit to queue from command line some tasks to internal BackupPC internal scheduler :
* to specify witch type of backup to queue (full or incr) ;
* to specify as wich user the backup is run for BackupPC ;
* to stop running backup instead of starting new one, and how many hour(s) BackupPC could not start automatically backup ;
* queue backup for all or specified host(s) : It's provide parameters permiting :
* to specify witch type of backup to queue (full or incr) ;
* to specify as wich user the backup is run for BackupPC ;
* to stop running backup instead of starting new one, and how many hour(s) BackupPC could not start automatically backup ;
* queue backup removal (for specific host) : It's provide parameters permiting :
* to specify witch backup to delete (specified by it's number) ;
* to specify to delete all backups of the host. Another parameter permit to specify witch backup(s) to omit ;
* to specify as wich user the backup removal is run for BackupPC ;
@ -16,6 +23,8 @@ This script have been successfully test with BackupPC 3 (3.3.0) and 4 (4.1.5).
### backuppcQueueBackup
@ -38,10 +47,29 @@ Options:
--dry-run,-j Perform a trial run (do nothing real)
### backuppcQueueDeleteBackup
Script to queue delete backup in BackupPC internal queue
--verbose,-v Increase verbosity
--help,-h Display this message
--hostname,-H Host
--num,-n Specific backup number to delete
--all,-a Delete all backups of the specified host
--exclude,-x Do not delete backup(s) specified by number (in all mode)
--user,-u BackupPC user that doing this action for BackupPC
--dry-run,-j Perform a trial run (do nothing real)
Copyright (c) 2017 Benjamin Renard
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Benjamin Renard

backuppcQueueDeleteBackup Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
# backuppcQueueBackup
# Script to queue backup in BackupPC from command line
# Author: Benjamin Renard <>
# Copyright (C) 2017, Benjamin Renard
# Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or
# any later version.
use strict;
no utf8;
use Getopt::Long;
# BackupPC
use lib "/usr/share/backuppc/lib";
use BackupPC::Lib;
use BackupPC::CGI::Lib qw(:all);
use Data::Dumper;
my $verbose = 0;
my $opt_h = 0;
my $goodOpt = 0;
my $user = 'system';
my $dry_run = 0;
my $host;
my $num;
my $all = 0;
my @numExcluded;
$goodOpt = GetOptions(
'v+' => \$verbose, 'verbose+' => \$verbose,
'h' => \$opt_h, 'help' => \$opt_h,
'j+' => \$dry_run, 'dry-run+' => \$dry_run,
'u=s' => \$user, 'user=s' => \$user,
'H=s' => \$host, 'host=s' => \$host,
'n=s' => \$num, 'num=s' => \$num,
'a+' => \$all, 'all+' => \$all,
'x=s' => \@numExcluded, 'exclude=s' => \@numExcluded);
if (not $opt_h and not $host) {
print " ERROR : You must specify on witch host you want to delete backup";
elsif (not $opt_h and $all == 0 && not $num) {
print " ERROR : You must specify witch backup number you want to delete (or use --all parameter)\n";
elsif ($#numExcluded != -1 and $all == 0) {
print " ERROR : -x/--exclude parameter could be only use in all mode.\n";
if ($opt_h or not $goodOpt) {
print "backuppcQueueDeleteBackup\n\n";
print "Script to queue delete backup in BackupPC internal queue\n\n";
print "Options:\n";
print " --verbose,-v Increase verbosity\n";
print " --help,-h Display this message\n\n";
print " --hostname,-H Host\n";
print " --num,-n Specific backup number to delete\n";
print " --all,-a Delete all backups of the specified host\n";
print " --exclude,-x Do not delete backup(s) specified by number (in all mode)\n";
print " --user,-u BackupPC user that doing this action for BackupPC\n";
print " --dry-run,-j Perform a trial run (do nothing real)\n";
exit 0 if $goodOpt;
exit 1;
# Connect to BackupPC
my $server;
if (!($server = BackupPC::Lib->new))
print "Couldn't connect to BackupPC\n";
exit 1;
my %Conf = $server->Conf();
my $err = $server->ServerConnect($Conf{ServerHost}, $Conf{ServerPort});
if ($err)
print("Can't connect to server ($err)\n");
exit 1;
# query the BackupPC server for host status
my $status_raw = $server->ServerMesg('status hosts');
# undump the output... BackupPC uses Data::Dumper
my %Status;
eval $status_raw;
if (not grep {/^$host$/} keys(%Status))
print("Unknown host ($host)\n");
exit 1;
@numExcluded = () if $#numExcluded < 0;
# Delete backup
sub DeleteBackup {
my ($host, $num) = @_;
return 1 if ($Status{$host}{'type'} eq 'archive');
my %host_conf = %{$server->ConfigDataRead($host)};
print "Delete backup #$num of host $host as user $user\n" if ($verbose);
return 1 if ($dry_run);
$server->ServerMesg("delete $user ${EscURI($host)} $num -r");
return 1;
## First hosts
#foreach my $host (@hostsStartFirst) {
# StartStopBackup($host);
## Other hosts
#foreach my $host (sort(keys(%Status))) {
# next if $host =~ /^ /;
# next if (@hostsStartFirst and grep {/^$host$/} @hostsStartFirst);
# next if (@hostsDesired and not grep {/^$host$/} @hostsDesired);
# next if (@hostsExcluded and grep {/^$host$/} @hostsExcluded);
# StartStopBackup($host);
if (not $num) {
# Backups
my @Backups = $server->BackupInfoRead($host);
foreach my $Backup (@Backups) {
next if (@numExcluded and grep {/^$Backup->{num}$/} @numExcluded);
DeleteBackup($host, $Backup->{num});
else {
DeleteBackup($host, $num);