#!/usr/bin/python # # Nagios plugin to check Ceph cluster state # # This plugin check ceph health, number of OSDs UP, number of MONs UP # and PGs states to determine Ceph cluster status. # # Usage: check_ceph_status [options] # # Options: # -h, --help show this help message and exit # -d, --debug # -b BIN, --bin=BIN Ceph binary (default : /usr/bin/ceph) # --conf=CONF Ceph configuration file # -m MON, --mon=MON Ceph monitor address[:port] # -i ID, --id=ID Ceph client id # -k KEYRING, --keyring=KEYRING # Ceph client keyring file # -w WARNLOSTOSD, --warning-lost-osd=WARNLOSTOSD # Warning number of non-up OSDs (default : 1) # -c CRITLOSTOSD, --critical-lost-osd=CRITLOSTOSD # Critical number of non-up OSDs (default : 2) # -W WARNLOSTMON, --warning-lost-mon=WARNLOSTMON # Warning number of non-up MONs (default : 1) # -C CRITLOSTMON, --critical-lost-mon=CRITLOSTMON # Critical number of non-up MONs (default : 2) # # Copyright (c) 2013 Benjamin Renard # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # import sys,os,json,subprocess,re from optparse import OptionParser # default ceph values CEPH_COMMAND = '/usr/bin/ceph' WARN_LOST_OSD = 1 CRIT_LOST_OSD = 2 WARN_LOST_MON = 1 CRIT_LOST_MON = 2 # nagios exit code STATUS = { 'OK': 0, 'WARNING': 1, 'CRITICAL': 2, 'UNKNOWN': 3 } parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False) parser.add_option('-b', '--bin', action="store", dest="bin", help="Ceph binary (default : %s)" % CEPH_COMMAND, type='string', default=CEPH_COMMAND) parser.add_option('--conf', action="store", dest="conf", help="Ceph configuration file", type='string', default=None) parser.add_option('-m', '--mon', action="store", dest="mon", help="Ceph monitor address[:port]", type='string', default=None) parser.add_option('-i', '--id', action="store", dest="id", help="Ceph client id", type='string', default=None) parser.add_option('-k', '--keyring', action="store", dest="keyring", help="Ceph client keyring file", type='string', default=None) parser.add_option('-w', '--warning-lost-osd', action="store", dest="warnlostosd", help="Warning number of non-up OSDs (default : %s)" % WARN_LOST_OSD, type='int', default=WARN_LOST_OSD) parser.add_option('-c', '--critical-lost-osd', action="store", dest="critlostosd", help="Critical number of non-up OSDs (default : %s)" % CRIT_LOST_OSD, type='int', default=CRIT_LOST_OSD) parser.add_option('-W', '--warning-lost-mon', action="store", dest="warnlostmon", help="Warning number of non-up MONs (default : %s)" % WARN_LOST_MON, type='int', default=WARN_LOST_MON) parser.add_option('-C', '--critical-lost-mon', action="store", dest="critlostmon", help="Critical number of non-up MONs (default : %s)" % CRIT_LOST_MON, type='int', default=CRIT_LOST_MON) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # validate args if not os.path.exists(options.bin): print "ERROR: ceph executable '%s' doesn't exist" % options.bin sys.exit(STATUS['UNKNOWN']) if options.conf and not os.path.exists(options.conf): print "ERROR: ceph conf file '%s' doesn't exist" % options.conf sys.exit(STATUS['UNKNOWN']) if options.keyring and not os.path.exists(options.keyring): print "ERROR: keyring file '%s' doesn't exist" % options.keyring sys.exit(STATUS['UNKNOWN']) # build command ceph_cmd = [options.bin] if options.mon: ceph_cmd.append('-m') ceph_cmd.append(options.mon) if options.conf: ceph_cmd.append('-c') ceph_cmd.append(options.conf) if options.id: ceph_cmd.append('--id') ceph_cmd.append(options.id) if options.keyring: ceph_cmd.append('--keyring') ceph_cmd.append(options.keyring) ceph_cmd.append('status') ceph_cmd.append('--format=json') # exec command p = subprocess.Popen(ceph_cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, err = p.communicate() if output: data=json.loads(output) status='OK' health=data['health']['overall_status'] if health=='HEALTH_WARN': status='WARNING' elif health=='HEALTH_CRIT': status='CRITICAL' total_mon=len(data['monmap']['mons']) total_mon_up=len(data['health']['timechecks']['mons']) num_lost_mon=total_mon-total_mon_up if num_lost_mon==0: monstate="(MONs UP : %s/%s)" % (total_mon_up,total_mon) else: monstate="%s MONs down (MONs UP : %s/%s)" % (num_lost_mon,total_mon_up,total_mon) if num_lost_mon >= options.critlostmon: status='CRITICAL' elif num_lost_mon >= options.warnlostmon and status!='CRITICAL': status='WARNING' total_osd=data['osdmap']['osdmap']['num_osds'] total_osd_up=data['osdmap']['osdmap']['num_up_osds'] num_lost_osd=total_osd-total_osd_up if num_lost_osd>=options.critlostosd: status='CRITICAL' elif num_lost_osd>=options.warnlostosd and status!='CRITICAL': status='WARNING' total_pg=data['pgmap']['num_pgs'] pgstate="" for st in data['pgmap']['pgs_by_state']: if re.search('(down|inconsistent|imcomplete|stale)',st['state_name'],re.IGNORECASE): status='CRITICAL' pgstate="%s / %s PGs %s" % (pgstate,st['count'],st['state_name']) elif re.search('(replay|degraded|repair|recovering|backfill)',st['state_name'],re.IGNORECASE): if status!='CRITICAL': status="WARNING" pgstate="%s / %s PGs %s" % (pgstate,st['count'],st['state_name']) elif st['state_name']=="active+clean": pgstate="%s / %s/%s PGs active+clean" % (pgstate,st['count'],total_pg) msg="%s : %s%s %s" % (status,health,pgstate,monstate) if num_lost_osd==0: print "%s (OSDs UP : %s/%s)" % (msg,total_osd_up,total_osd) else: print "%s / %s OSDs down (OSDs UP : %s/%s)" % (msg,num_lost_osd,total_osd_up,total_osd) sys.exit(STATUS[status]) else: print "UNKNOWN : fail to execute ceph status command" sys.exit(STATUS['UNKNOWN'])